Essential Website Accessibility Solutions Every Developer Should Know

Accessible websites are the backbone of modern digital content focusing on inclusivity and diversity. Hence, businesses look forward to dedicated website accessibility solutions prioritizing web content accessibility in the development process only. This right placement of the accessibility standards from the development phase helps businesses with the right guidance to attain accessible websites.

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This blog is focused on the top solutions ideal for web developers to ensure increased user experience with their websites along with adherence to different accessibility standards. These techniques are effective, easy, and practical for modern developers.


Top website accessibility solutions for developers

Here are the ideal techniques and strategies for web developers to deliver accessible websites:

  • Using semantic HTML tags

To start with, it is important for the developers to focus on the need for semantic HTML tags for understanding the content type. These tags are ideal for people using screen readers and other assistive technologies. The use of the”

,” “,” “,” “,” or “” tags help in understanding the hierarchical relationships.

  • Using alternative text for images

People with visual impairments are unable to understand the visual content on web pages. Hence, professional website accessibility services focus on using alternative text for images. The use of the “alt” attribute in the “


” tags helps people with visual impairments to understand the visual content better using assistive technologies.

  • Offering keyboard accessibility

Not all website users have the motor skills to use a mouse to navigate through the websites. Hence, to ensure that a website is accessible, it is essential to ensure that it is accessible using a keyboard only. It covers all the interactive elements and functionalities of the web pages. The keyboard accessibility improves the overall user experience for a wide audience range.

  • Use of the focus indicators

The use of the focus indicators on the websites helps people with impairments to understand the key focus points of the web content easily. It helps people using assistive technologies to understand where they’re on the web page.

  • Using accessible forms

The use of accessible forms and other links on the web pages is another crucial offering of website accessibility solutions. The use of the “” tag helps ensure that all the form controls are accessible to people with impairments. The use of people's instructions and error messages helps people using assistive technologies to understand web forms better.

  • Maintaining a proper contrast ratio 

The overall contrast between the background and foreground elements of the web pages should offer the right visibility for people with visual impairments. It helps people with temporary or permanent issues like color blindness or low vision. The use of effective tools like WebAIM’s Contrast Checker helps attain the right color contrast ratio for your website.


  • Using Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) 

The leading professional website accessibility services can improve the accessibility of dynamic content and custom widgets with ARIA roles, states, and properties. It is important to align ARIA roles with the semantic HTML for enhanced benefits.

  • Using video captions and transcripts 

The multimedia content on the websites remains inaccessible to a wide range of audiences. Hence, the use of video captions and transcripts are must for people having auditory impairments. The easy availability of the volume controls and playback speed management further helps enhance the usability of the web content.

Contact us at to learn more about our Website Accessibility Services.

  • Creating websites with responsive design 

The overall design of the website must stand high on the leading accessibility standards. It covers quick adaptation to different screen sizes and resolutions. Hence, people suffering from impairments or those using assistive technologies get quick access to the website content.

Final Thoughts

The implementation of website accessibility solutions helps businesses improve the user experience of their web pages by focusing on people suffering from impairments. It is easy for developers to integrate these practices into the development process and create a highly inclusive and diverse digital environment.

Adhering to these solutions lays a strong foundation for ensuring inclusive, diverse, and better web experiences for audiences.